Yesterday school was cancelled because of snow and O-how the boys were excited. I think this is the most Trey has ever played in the snow, in the past I think he was just to skinny and would freeze the minute he would step outside. Today school did not start until 9:30 and I could not wait to get the boys back to school, however they were trying to convince me it was cancelled again NICE TRY.

Let's see after the major holiday at our house (SUPER BOWL) last night the boys were full of cafeinee and disappointment. Let me explain the dissappointment part. Jordan wanted to bet Willie on the game and Willie kept telling him that betting is not really a forsure thing and it can have bad consequences. Well Jordan kept pursisting and so finally Willie gave in, the BET was 10 marbels (we use marbels at our house as a reward system, a certain amount of marbles can be exchanged for things like playing the playstation). SO 10 marbles was a pretty hefty wager, Jordan was going for the Patriots and Willie was routing for the underdogs the Giants. All through the game Jordan was convinced that he was going to win and if you watched the game it all came down to the last couple of minutes. Well the Giants won and Jordan lost 10 marbles. Long story short Jordan lost and had a huge melt down, I'm sure this will be one Super Bowl he will never forget.
Before I go I need to check off fixing the garbage disposal from my to do list!
This one is a long story but we did it by ourselves, and I am a firm believer in
You can do anything you but your mind to!!!!

That is so sad for Jordan. It was a whole different story at our house. Our girls were the cheerleaders. Lexi was the cheerleader for the giants because Adalie wanted to be it for the team that won the most. But she could never remember the Patriots name. So she would cheer and ask in the middle of it what their names were again. It was funny. Your so cute for being so concerned about Adalie. Luckily it wasn't as bad as expected. Now she just has to deal with the side effects of the medicine. Which right now she's laying on the couch with stomach cramps. gotta love it. How did you do it with Trey and his medicine?
YEAH!! I was excited to see your postings too. Hope that you keep up with the goal of posting more often. I love to keep up with how things are going with people. This is such an easy way to do it.:)
Funny that Willie cooks alot at your casa. Ben totally is the chef at our place too. It must run in the fam:)
I love your super bowl story. That is really cute! You guys sound like good parents! Way to stick to your guns. I'm all for the prearranged marriage. lol Let's see if they are for it in a few years. We better act like we don't want it to happen then it probably would be more likely to happen. :)
Hey-I cant believe Nick-he's growing up SO fast!! My kids were SUPER jealous when they saw the pics of all the snow. How fun!!
Looks like everybody is doing great-come visit sometime..before it gets to dang hot.
Love you guys & love your blog!!
Catch up with you soon-
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