Project 365
I decided I would participate in this super cool idea for the new year. Here is my first picture, it was taken at my sisters new year's eve party. After we counted down the seconds to the new year I kissed my hubby and then I found this party hat, I thought it would be a great picture to start off my project.

We had so much fun at my sis's party the theme was famous couples, duos, or pairs. It took us forever to decided on our costumes. Our top three were Al & Peg Bundy (Married with children), Nacho Libre and the nun, Ricky Bobby and his wife (Talladega Nights). I had to have Melissa help us decide on our final choice, which was Nacho libre. I really can't believe my hubby wanted to be this, but we got tons of laughs at the party.

Willie could only wear the mask for the first 5 minutes, luckily I got him to put it back on so I could get a picture of him, of course the wig had to go on top of the mask. I guess I can't blame my hubby I could only wear my headpiece for a little while as well. Here's a picture of my sister and her hubby they went as Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningston from the move Anchorman. I think they pulled it off really well. I wished I would have gotten a picture of all the couples at the party, I missed Joe dirt and Brandy, Billy Madison and the pretty teacher, and Cher.
I loved Sonny Bono he was in full ski gear he had the ski boots, poles, helmet, goggles, and blood on his face. I really liked John McCain and Sara Palin, this guy went
all out he had his hair bleached that day and he had lines shaved into his hair so it would look like he had a receding hair line.

Day 2 in my project 365
Our dryer went out 2 days before Christmas (love that) so we ran to Sears and found this front loading washer and dryer set. The boys just love to sit in front of them and watch the washer and dryer do their magic, its better than t.v.

We made a quick trip to phoenix to let the boys spend some of their Christmas money. Willie dropped Nick and I off at Tempe market place and he took the boys to the mall. Nick just loved this cute little magnet set inside the dressing room at Old Navy.

1 comment:
Hi, I haven't had time to blog or even check out everyone's blog much lately but I thought I would spend a little time seeing what everyone is up to. I really enjoyed all your new post. Nacho Libre and the Hulk Hands, Willie is still just a big kid. I've got one of those too though so I know what it's like. Gavin writes dad cards saying "will you beat me up tonight?" They are always rough housing. Trey's hair is cracking me up too. I hope all the boys his age look back on their hair and laugh and say, "what were we thinking, we thought that looked good?", Just like we did with the big ratty bangs hair. C.J. thinks it's awesome to have his hair in his face too. Isn't Trey about to become a teenager? Keep up the blogging, you are so good at it! Take care.
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