I love planting, watering, and growing flowers. I discovered this love when we lived in Silver City, NM and we finally had a yard at our rental house. I had know idea what I was doing and I still don't, but every spring we would buy a container of wild flower seed mix and plant it. I thought I was going to die when we moved from our house in NM to an apartment in NV and I had no yard, not even a sunny spot on my porch to plant
Look at my
thrifty finds
Look what I found at the thrift store..... I know I know I am a little weird but I love to find things like this "Vintage" chair and these pictures. It really does make me so sad when I think about how our society is so wasteful, I know I am not totally innocent but I love it when I can make one persons trash into my treasure. Here are some sites I love to check out freshvintage, nesting place, junk market, and one womens cottage life
These are beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing these photos with us.
Very pretty pictures.
I had no idea you had such a green thumb! Your flowers are beautiful. By the way, I think being able to find "treasures" at second hand stores is a talent. I never have the eye for it. I've tried several times with no success. I bet if someone else picked it out for me - I would like it though. Very cute stuff!
What a talented girl you are. Not only do you grow the most amazing flowers, can spot a great piece at a second hand store, but you are also quite a photographer. When we get back to AZ we'll have to hang out so I can learn all your tricks:)
What kind of camera do you have? I so need a new camera and yours does really well.
Hey, I just really love this post, I gotta keep coming back. I just saw on the calendar that it was your birthday. Hope you have a good one. 32 is it?
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