Day 36
Koolaid Playdough Recipe:
2 1/2 Cups of Flour
1/2 Cup of Salt
1 T. cream of tarter
2 pkgs. koolade
2 Cups of boiling water
3 T. of oil
Mix all dry ingredients together, mix wet ingredients together. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients until a ball is formed, let cool. Once cooled kneed, when playdough feels consistent it is ready.
I thought J's teacher had a great idea when she decided to incorporate some learning into the kids v-day party. Since AZ became a state on valentines day she decideded her class would have a red, white, and blue valentines party. Jordan decided he wanted to give koolaid playdough to his friends at his vday party so we mixed up a batch. I found this cool website obamicon me and this is where we created his picture.
Of course I had to make some treats so little N could take to daycare. I found this idea out of a magazine. So this year I finally followed through with a valentines treasure hunt, it was really last minute. I had the boys look all over the house and yard for clues, they really had trouble finding the clue in the ice cream container and underneath the mail box, lol. They found their last clue in the storage shed, I got the older boys a cd (weird Al Yankavick and John Cena, it goes to show how different they are) and Nick got an etch a sketch.

On Presidents day we took the boys snow tubing and we had such a good time. When we got there little N went down the hills all by himself. Trey confirmed that he is fearless, he wanted to go down all the big hills and I think he did. It was a good thing that Jordan's tube was a little flat this helped him go down the hills but at a little slower pace than Trey, whew!

Day 47