day 26: Yippie, My sisters graduation day from beauty school.

day 25: Trey spent the weekend working on an extra credit project for his science class. That is the planet Uranus your looking at in the picture. The extra credit consisted of picking a planet to make a model of an giving a brief summary of that planet. Well of course Trey Picked Uranus!

day 23: Trey had his play tonight and he did an awesome job!!! O.k. I know I must be a bad mom when I didn't realize how big his part was, he was the wolf in a short play about red riding hood and her red cape. Trey and little red riding hood were the two main characters and they both did a great job.

day 20: We got a new hot water heater... we got a new hot water heater... we got a new hot water heater.... I just can't stop signing that song. Wow, you never really don't know what you have sometimes until its gone, and then you get it back and you realize this is how everyone else lives. Yippie, I love love love taking showers for as long as I want now or until Nick decides he is taking a shower with me.

day 17: There was a moment I know I saw it, if only it was for a few seconds there was a moment between these two brothers, ha ha. I think I actually I saw Trey care about his brother for a few seconds and I got it on film, lol.

While I was at the parks and rec. department I picked up an area map of the hiking trails around town, so with the map we decided to go for a hike on Saturday. Nick loved holding the map and telling us which direction to go.

day 14: I went to sign Jordan up for basketball at the parks and rec's department and we just couldn't leave without seeing the ducks and running up and down the hill and few hundred times, lol.

day 11: All I have to say is that Nick is the LUCKIEST little boy to have Willie for a dad. Super Nick, flying shoes, and hands that shoot juice, these are the words and games that Nick and Willie play together. I really have to sit back sometimes and watch these two play their games it is the cutest and funniest thing that I have ever seen.