Friday, January 25, 2008

We made it through the Holidays

The holidays are finally over and now we are starting to get back into the groove of things. I never really make New Year's resolutions, but this year I am going to try to become more organized, focuse more on my families and my overall health "eating healthier and exercising more", and work on the house. To start eating healthier I am planning out dinners that I can "actually cook", and making a shopping list of the ingredients that we need to buy. Yes, I know that this is how normal people do it, but I have always let Willie do most of the cooking and I have almost always worked nights. So by using the "Eating for Life" cook book I am following my first resolution and I am following my second resoultion by making a shopping list (hopefully this will end my daily visit to wal-mart, yep you know it's bad when the wal-mart greeter knows you by name!) I am following my second resolution. Also, to become more organized I VOW to clean my bathrooms and my fridge once a week, start developing the loads and loads of pictures on my computer, get the garbage disposal working,post more often, and fix the sound on my computer. So I am going to start from here and we will see how things go.

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