I love this new free march calendar I found, it looks so springy! Speaking of spring the boys spring break is next week, Yikes!! I haven't really thought of what we are going to do yet. Unfortunately we can't go hang out with my sister and her kids because they will still be in school, this happens every year. !@##@!**
Nick is just getting over being the devil, oops I mean sick!! Everytime he gets sick (a cough and runny nose) it takes him sometime to get back to my sweet little boy! During this episode of not feeling so well Nick managed to spread the entire board game of Fact or Crap which has a million-bazillion tiny cards all over the h
ouse, pull both racks out of the oven and climbed half way inside (don't worry mom it was not on), decided to eat the ice out of our dogs water bowl, and pretended like he was going to give me a kiss but decided to bite my nose instead!!! Thankfully today he acted closer to normal than he has been in a long time YEAH!!!